The three windows in the south aisle are dedicated to the themes of Land, Air and Fire, and Sea. The work of Dr Douglas Strachan (1875-1950) they are regarded as some of the finest stained glass of the modern era. They were presented to the church as a gift from Lord Blanesborough of Greyfriars and dedicated in 1933 by the Archbishop of Canterbury, in the presence of representatives of the Cinque Ports and the Ancient Towns.
The altar and retable in the Lady Chapel were also presented by Lord Blanesborough at this time as was the splendid organ above the west porch.
The windows on the south aisle were also designed and installed by Dr Strachan, including the beautiful east window which dominates the view of the church when entering through the west porch. The unusual window over the sedilia in the south wall commemorates the heroism of the crew of the Rye lifeboat, the Mary Stanford, who lost their lives while going to the rescue of another ship during a great storm in November 1928.
The clock on the north side of the tower was overhauled in Jubilee Year 1977 and again in 1998/9 when the beautiful dial was repainted. The cost was partly born by the Friends of Winchelsea Church, a voluntary organisation started in 1966 to raise money to help maintain the fabric of this beautiful church and to whom the parish owes a great debt of gratitude for the maintenance work that has been carried out in recent years.